- All Visitors MUST check in at Farm-Stand or Information Booth upon arrival.
- No Pets allowed on Farm or in the Orchards.
- No CLIMBING any Trees, Benches, or tables.
- No Throwing Apples, Rocks, Corn, or any other object
- No Recreational/Sporting Equipment Allowed.
- No Running in the Orchard or on Farm.
- No Pulling, or Sitting on Tree Limbs.
- Visitors are not allowed near any Farm Ponds.
- Customers MUST PAY for ALL product they have picked!
- Back –Packs, Large Shopping Bags and other containers are not permitted in the Orchard.
- No Trespassing in Any Private Out Buildings, Work Shops, or Private Family Areas!
All of the Above Rules of Conduct are for the SAFETY and Protection of ALL our Customers and Employees. These rules have come forth from years of providing the safest environment on our Family Farm and Orchard Business as possible.
We are very grateful that You, and Your Family have visited our Family’s Farm, Orchard and Home this season.